Sunday, January 1, 2012

Out with the old ...

I'm ending 2011 tonight very happy and content. This was not an easy year by any stretch of the imagination. My life changed a lot, I was tested and tried, and yet by the grace of God, I came out on top.

Those who know me know that we've been dealing with my mom's health for the last couple of years. It's really difficult and downright painful to see your parent go through a loss of health and independence, no matter the reason ... and especially when it happens before their time. She's always first and foremost on my mind these days because I worry so much about her (even though she tells me not to).

Those who know me also know that my former job gave me fits the last couple of years, but especially this last year. I LOVED my job and put the paper first in my life (which was a lot of my problem). I worked under a difficult boss for the majority of 2011, though, and that stress added to long hours took a toll on my health, physically, mentally and emotionally.

I lost said job in late October this year, after basically living and breathing it for the last two years. When I was hoping for advancement, I was told to leave. That wasn't easy at all.

I've had the worst bout with my fibromyalgia in the last couple of months than I have had probably since shortly after I was diagnosed. Mostly I was just having to deal with intense and non-ending pain day and night. It affected my sleep, my mobility and my productivity.

But...tonight I ended 2011 very blessed.

Mom's attitude about life and her health is better than it has been in a couple of years. We've both decided 2012 is going to be our year. She's going to start regaining her health, strength and mobility. I am going to get back into the healthy living routine I lived the first part of 2011. It's time she and I both were able to live the lives we want to live and were meant to live.

Like I said, the stressful job ended in October. For the first 30 minutes after I was told I was being laid off, I was in shock. Within 2 hours, though, I felt like a huge weight had been lifted from me. I had asked God time and time again to help me stay there until He was done with me there (because many days I wanted to walk out) and for Him to move me when the time came.

A mere two days after I was laid off, my pastor asked me if I would be interested in some copyrighting work for the church's new website. Three days later, the position was a permanent, part-time position doing graphics work for the church.

God is amazing and wonderful. I am not only so happy in my new position, but I am able to serve God with my talents.

The unending pain from my fibro has finally subsided and I am back to where I was before, more or less. I hate that I have to rely on medications to live, but the last couple of months made me realize they're only there to help me and there is no shame in that. If taking a couple of pills each day means I can live without the pain I was feeling just 3 days ago, I'm all for it.

This next year I have some big resolutions. They're certainly not unattainable. They're things I have wished for in my life, but just haven't done. It's time, though.

I have a new commitment to live my life for the Lord, and that includes even the little details that many take for granted, like keeping a neat house so that I can be hospitable to anyone at any time. It also includes me being at my best physically so that I can better serve Him.

I'm so excited to see what else God has in store for me. I yearn to better serve Him each day, and He has been so gracious to allow me to. I think 2012 will only strengthen that.

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